Thursday, February 5, 2009

God Uses Sheep

Have you ever asked God, "What are you doing? What are you waiting for? Where are you???"Moses thought surely at age 40 that he was prepared to answer the call of God and lead the people out of Egypt. Our plan and God's plan hardly ever seem to be the same plan! God took Moses out into the wilderness of Midian where he tended to his father-in-law's sheep - for 40 years. Do you think this could have been a man tired of seeing sheep? After 40 years did he not know all there was to know about sheep? Did he feel sheepish? After all those difficult years, if Moses felt any pride or grandeur for having been chosen of God, he was surely cured of it.Finally, God opened the door for Moses to complete his mission. What followed was another 40 years in the wilderness with another kind of sheep. "All we like sheep..." The first 40 years was a great preparation for how he would handle the next 40 years. There are lessons to be learned:1. Young man, be patient. It won't come as fast as you think or you'd like.2. For those in mid-life...we shouldn't get too anxious if we haven't yet 'done great things', God will surely complete a great work in us but he'll always do it on his time table, not ours.3. For the older man, why did it take God so long to do a great and mighty thing in your life? Sometimes its because it takes that long for us to empty ourselves of ourselves. His Spirit can only work through empty vessels, through those who are totally dependent on Him.

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