Sunday, May 3, 2009

Why were they so amazed?

Why were they so amazed??

Jesus gave his disciples power to heal the sick, to cast out demons, to preach the gospel and to cure diseases. Amazing!!
There is recorded a conversation in Luke 9 between Jesus and his disciples. He asked them, “Who do these people say that I am?” They replied, “Some say you are Elijah and still others say you are a prophet from long ago.” Then the impulsive disciple speaks up and says, “You are Christ, the son of God.”
The disciples certainly got some things right but they also left themselves open for a lot of reproof from the Savior. He scolded them for wanting to send the multitudes away instead of feeding them. He scolded them for arguing among themselves who would be the greatest among them. He ignored their silly idea of wanting to make monuments to honor men instead of giving glory to God.
After all of this, a man whose only son was afflicted by demonic activity came to the disciples for healing but they were helpless against the demons. So he came to Jesus. Jesus answered his request and they were all amazed at the greatness of God. Then Jesus rebuked his disciples again for their lack of faith. If they really truly believe him to be the Son of God, why were they so amazed? "O unbelieving and perverse generation," Jesus replied, "how long shall I stay with you and put up with you?”
He had already given them the power to cast out demons, they just didn’t have the faith necessary to use the gift they had received. How little are we actually doing for Christ 2000 years later? What are his expectations for us? He is still the Son of God!!
I remember my grown sons striving so hard to live up to their father’s expectations when they played little league baseball as small children. Are we trying to live up to our heavenly father’s expectations? Has he changed? Has he lowered his expectations for his followers? How long since you’ve seen the sick miraculously healed? How long since you’ve seen the tormented delivered from his demons? How long since you’ve heard a message so powerful in the Spirit that the congregation left the church in speechless wonder?
He is the same God with the same expectations. If these things are not being done it is due to our lack of faith.

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