Tuesday, March 24, 2009



My wife and I recently viewed the film “Taken”. We were a bit “taken” back how one man could single-handedly kill so many. It was unreal how this ‘super-human’ could dodge so many bullets. But, the value of the film was that it reminded us of just where the sexual revolution has finally taken us!
When I was growing up we never locked our doors. We had a dog in the front yard. Who would have ever dreamed that people like Nancy Grace would one day make a very decent living reporting night after night on daily child abductions?!
In 2,000 there were more than 58,000 non-family child abductions in the U.S. About 30,000 of those involved sexual abuse. As a child, I really thought my parents were overreacting in their criticism of those free-love sexual revolutionary hippies that moved in not far from us. Now, I’m witnessing how their revolution has made preying on our children a common occurrence.
Finally, some nations are beginning to connect the dots between pornography and sexual exploitation of our women and children. A ban on the purchase of sexual services and the operation of strip clubs is now being considered in Iceland, Sweden and Norway. Ted Bundy tried to tell us years ago but we wouldn’t listen. We are accused of being prudish and Victorian but the fact is, when we were still a society based on Judeo-Christian values our children could play in the park unattended and we didn’t have to lock our doors.
Psalm 73:1 “Surely God is good …….. to those who are pure in heart.”

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