Saturday, March 7, 2009

An Alternative Solution to the Financial Crisis

Alternative Solution to our Financial Crisis

$12 Trillion evaporated into thin air. Iceland is bankrupt. California is careening toward bankruptcy. One prominent CEO lost $15 billion in one day. People are fraught with fear of losing their savings, their retirement, their jobs and their homes. A banker in London threw himself in front of a train going 100 mph. A woman in Tennessee took her own life as authorities were approaching to evict her from her home. A financial manager in California shot his wife, his three children and his mother-in-law before taking his own life. I can't remember anytime I've ever seen such widespread despair.

I'm not so sure that those who have taken their lives are totally without hope. I think they have invested their hope in the wrong things. The eggs in their basket were the wealth of this world which is temporary and trivial “Command those who are rich in this present world not to ...put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.” (1 Tim. 6:17)

I have no faith in the solutions I've heard from our government and financial leaders: borrow more money, print more money, use the money belonging to the next generation. It is outrageously absurd to spend and spend and spend as a method of escaping debt. Are we so irrational because we are blinded by greed?

Paul talked to the Ephesians about the "incomparable riches of his grace". He has promised to never forsake those who have invested in the wealth of God's love. Those who have trusted in the wealth of God's pardon, the fulness of Christ's sacrifice will not be dismayed. Many have lost everything: their jobs, their wealth, their savings, their homes. But, a Christian can never lose everything. A man who knows the riches of Christ can never be brought to absolute poverty and despair. In our darkest hour the riches of God's grace are as full and satisfying as ever!!“When through fiery trials thy pathway shall lie, My grace, all-sufficient, shall be thy supply"

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