Saturday, April 11, 2009

A Wind That Never Changes

A Wind That Never Changes

Have you ever heard anyone ask, "How could a God of love send anyone to hell?" If God IS love...surely he'll never send anyone to an eternity of separation from him! It is much more comfortable for us to emphasize his love and ignor his justice. God loves us so much he sacrificed his son to die on the cross for us! Yet, Romans 2:6 says God "will give to each person according to what he has done."I watched my young son ride his tricycle yesterday. The wind was blowing much harder than usual. When he was riding one direction the wind was against him. When he rode the other direction the wind was for him.God never changes. His wind always blows the same direction. When we focus on God and comply to his message of truth the wind is for us. When we are focused on ourselves and reject his message of truth him the wind is against us. If we choose to live for Christ his love will spare us from eternal judgment and we will one day enjoy the place he has gone on to prepare for us. If we insist on ignoring his call and choose to live in deliberate disobedience then the winds of justice will carry us to a place prepared for Lucifer and his followers. I'm sure that those who are in heaven feel assured that God is just because of the fact that hell does indeed exist.There should be no confusion at all about a God who is love and also who is just. These traits are perfectly reconcilable in the divine nature of God. As a parent, I must be loving and just. In fact, my love is often defined by justice. Kameron earned a reprimand this morning for defying his father. Did I love him less as I administered justice? No, my enforcement of justice was a demonstration of love. Hebrews 12:6 "...the Lord disciplines those he loves, and he punishes everyone he accepts as a son." It is very comforting to know that God is love and he is also just!

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