Friday, May 1, 2009

Where is the United States in Bible Prophecy?

Where is the United States in Bible Prophecy?

The United States is the most powerful and wealthy country in the history of the world. So, where does this extraordinary country fit into the biblical prophecy of the last days? The Bible indicates that in the last days there will be four relevant kingdoms. If these are the last days then these four kingdoms seem to be in China, Russia, the Islamic world and the European Union. How could the United States be left out of the mix???

Some have tried to force the issue by inserting the U.S. into certain prophecies but all are pretty unconvincing. It’s like trying to force a square peg into a round hole. The only other option is to believe that in the last days the U.S. will be relegated to irrelevance. How might this happen? Perhaps we will all be wiped out by a disease like the Swine Flu? Perhaps our enemies will successfully launch an EMP attack on us which would pretty much relegate us back to the 19th century. Or maybe we will disintegrate internally as the issues that divide us like abortion, gay marriage, education and now capitalism continue to cut a deeper rift into our collective soul. Hal Lindsey suggests that perhaps the rapture will so decimate the country that we will not be able to reorganize in time to play a significant part in the coming tribulation.

I don’t know why the United States can not be clearly identified in biblical prophecy as other countries are. I’m not convinced yet that the U.S. will not play a significant role in the unfolding of events in the last days. But, I’m aware along with thousands of other Americans that the U.S. seems to have reached its apex and is now experiencing a decline in its economic and military influence. No pitcher wants to come out of the game unless they’ve been severely injured. Standing along the sidelines while someone else carries the ball will be an uncomfortable position Americans are unfamiliar with.

1 comment:


    Guess what. If you can figure out when the "sudden destruction" of wicked persons takes place in I Thess. 5:3 (and also when "death" is ended in I Cor. 15:54), you will know where to place the rapture on your prophecy chart because those passages talk about the "times and seasons" (and also the "when" and "then") of the rapture. Neat, huh? And if you would like to locate the ONE article that Ice, Jeffrey, Missler, Strandberg, Lindsey, LaHaye, Van Impe, Hagee, and Swaggart don't want you to read, visit the "Powered by Christ Ministries" site and click on "Pretrib Rapture Dishonesty" !
